celebrating international women’s day

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we honor the strength and resilience of women around the world, especially those in Kwara State and our beloved Ilorin.

In Ilorin, women play a pivotal role in supporting their families and contributing to the thriving community around them. From their busy spots at Oja Oba, Agoo, and Mandate Markets, to the neighborhoods where they establish small businesses, and for those homemakers who tirelessly support their households day and night, these women are truly remarkable. Whether selling local delicacies like Warankasi (milk curds) or Elubo (yam flour), they embody hard work, perseverance, and an unbreakable spirit.

Today, let us come together to celebrate them and acknowledge their invaluable contributions. I stand with these incredible women and assure them that the SAS Foundation is here to support their dreams and aspirations. No nation can grow without the empowerment of its women.

Today, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of women everywhere. Your impact shapes communities, inspires change, and builds a brighter future. Keep shining, keep striving—your voice and contributions matter.

Here’s to empowering women, today and always!

Happy International Women’s Day from SAS Foundation!

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